New Service Alberta Fees

Resolution Category Provincial Scope 13
Subject Governance
Year 2011
Status Defeated
Sponsor - Mover
Strathcona County
Active Clauses

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association requests the Government of Alberta to:
1. Increase the fines under the Procedures Regulation AR233/89, in respect of speeding contraventions under the Traffic Safety Act, to cover the new service fees that are being charged to municipalities for motor vehicle data searches; and
2. Commit to a process of collaboration with the intent to avoid decision-making that results in adverse financial impacts on municipalities.

Whereas Clauses

WHEREAS Service Alberta informed municipalities on March 11, 2011, without prior notice or consultation, that effective April 1, 2011 municipalities would be charged $15.00 for information provided for each electronic search request made pursuant to Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation (OLVCR), AR 320/2002;

WHEREAS municipalities have no legislative authority to collect the $15.00 charge for electronic searches through fines collected through the Traffic Safety Act, RSA 2000 cT-6; and

WHEREAS those municipalities that continue to provide photo enforcement programs will be required to pass the Service Alberta fees for electronic search requests onto municipal taxpayers.